
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Closing Event and Artists Talk at CHRC, Goldsmiths, 4th October 2011

My current solo exhibition 'Redirection and Network Timeout' at the Constance Howard Research Centre, closes on the 6th October 2011.

You are invited to the closing event on Tuesday 4th October 2011, from 6-8pm, where I will be giving an informal Artist's Talk about my research and the work within the exhibition, from 7pm onwards.

If you would like to attend please RSVP to, by Monday 3rd October 2011.

Details of the CHRC:

Constance Howard Centre for Textiles Goldsmiths, University of London Deptford Town Hall Building (Basement) New Cross Road, London SE14 6AF Telephone: +44(0)20 7717 2210

For further information on the project, please visit the 'REDIRECTION and NETWORK TIMEOUT' a-n Artists Talking blog -

Hope that you can make it!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Rogue Open Studios, 8-9th October 2011

I am very pleased to be taking part in the Rogue Open Studios on the 8th- 9th October 2011, with the Private View on October 7th, between 6-9pm.  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY – Call for submissions (Film/video/animation/performance)

MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY – Call for submissions (Film/video/animation/performance)

MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY is an exhibition by artists Harriet Hill and Jenny Steele from the 19th October – 29th October 2011 at Hatch Space, London, that will present drawings, prints and sculpture that explore the micro-communities and spaces within Hatch Space Studios and Gallery, and the Faircharm Trading Estate itself.

We are inviting additional artists to occupy the exhibition space during an open day event on Saturday 22nd October 2011. We are currently seeking existing short film, animation works and performances that explore how space is occupied by multiple users, and the subsequent relationships, politics and connections that occur due to meeting at such an ‘interstice’.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer fees or expenses for inclusion in the event.

If you have a film, animation or performance which you would like to submit for consideration, please email the following information to Jenny Steele on by 5pm on Wednesday 14th September:

- A brief CV

- For animation and film works, please email a link or attach a low res file of the work.

- For performance work, please email a description or any visual evidence of the work if it has been performed previously.

We will inform those who submit of the outcome by Saturday 17th September 2011.

We look forward to hearing from you.