My first blog post for TRUTH programme was published last week. It starts like this....
the ultimate knowledge = the honest knowledge = truth?
On a conscious and critical level, the notion that actual ‘truth’ exists, or is a worthwhile entity for which to search for in everyday postmodernist digital society, strikes me, at first, as a pointless exercise. What possible ‘truth’ is there within the endless streams of tweets, posts and sites that are so riddled with self-promotion, spin, and often masked authorship? How does ‘truth’ online relate to any considered ‘truth’ in physical space?
We ‘all’ know that the situation of living within postmodern digital society offers endless multiple speculations, criticisms, theories. There is no complete certainty, no evidence that can be ruled out entirely as a lie, and definitely no one way of living. The notion of ‘truth’ and its necessity for living is redundant, right? Or on the other hand, is the belief of ‘truth’ embedded so deeply in our cognitive mind set and behaviour – that we seek by way of discovering information, an attempt to reveal a ‘truth’?
We are educated in institutions that often advocate the importance of truth...... To read the rest of the piece follow this link -
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